Among the applications of Affective Computing, some studies are focused on the identification of personality traits. Personality is a factor that can influence the development of a person or a team. Tracing personality assists in the psychological differentiation of individuals, but, is a rather complex activity. So, analyzing the specificities of project teams, it was observed the need to offer a support system for team formation based on the complementarity of personality traits. From works related to this research, it was possible to make an association of the characteristics of project teams with the facets proposed in the Big Five model. For each characteristic, a dimension and one or more facets of the Big Five model were inferred (by the author of this research). From the association of characteristics, it was possible to elaborate a first model for the evaluation of personality traits, which was based mainly on the NEO-IPIP questionnaire (300 questions) and complemented using other bibliographies. The questionnaire was applied to students of an undergraduate course, through an online form that kept the participant confidential. With the identification of the percentage of each facet it was possible to compose the characteristics of each individual. So, after verifying the applicability of the personality traits analysis model, some guidelines were proposed for project team recommendation systems, in order to support the allocation of human resources in project teams, considering the complementarity of personality profiles.