UENP - Acervo Digital

Navegação TCC - Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso por assunto "Deep learning. Redes neurais. Mercado de ações."

Navegação TCC - Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso por assunto "Deep learning. Redes neurais. Mercado de ações."

Classificar por: Ordenar: Resultados:

  • SILVA, RAFAEL RIBEIRO DA (2018-11-19)
    Aiming to achieve the goal of training neural networks to enable them to identify trends in the price of a stock, data were collected on the stocks of 7,145 companies during the period of one month. These data were ...
  • SILVA (2018-11-19)
    Aiming to achieve the goal of training neural networks to enable them to identify trends in the price of a stock, data were collected on the stocks of 7,145 companies during the period of one month. These data were ...

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